A special offer by UBB on the eve of the holiday shopping season

12 Decempber 2016
If you plan big gifts this year your UBB credit card is there to help you afford it.
By shopping with a UBB credit card now and over the period 10.12.2016 - 24.01.2017 you can defer each purchase, exceeding BGN 100, in equal monthly installments, with zero fee and at zero interest.
By a single phone call to UBB Call Centre at 0700 117 17 or *7171, or via UBB e-banking, each accounted purchase, exceeding BGN 100, can be deferred in 3, 6, 9 or 12 monthly interest-free installments. Furthermore, no service fee is charged during the promotional period.
More info on the opportunities for deferral of purchases with a UBB credit card is available here.