UBB offers new mortgage loans for refinancing purposes, without charging application and approval fees

08 October 2015
UBB has announced its new offer under the mortgage loan product for refinancing purposes, concerning applications submitted over the period 01.10.2015 – 31.12.2015. The offer relates to non-charging of application and approval fees by the Bank, as clients may choose between: a fixed interest rate of 4.90% for the first 3 years, regarding loans in BGN and a variable interest rate for the remaining loan period, based on a 6-month SOFIBOR + 4.900 % fixed margin; or a variable interest rate of5.273% for loans in BGN, based on a 6-month SOFIBOR and a fixed margin.
UBB’s new promotional terms, regarding bank fees over the campaign period, are, as follows:
- No application fee
- No collateral appraisal fee
- No fee for legal opinion on the offered collateral and preparation of documents for mortgage registration
- No credit assessment fee
Upon refinancing an existing mortgage loan by another bank clients are given the option to also consolidate their existing consumer loans, and / or obtain additional funds.
Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 5.46% upon a loan of BGN 80 000 for a period of 30 years and 5.273% variable interest rate: monthly loan installment: BGN 442.90; total due amount: BGN 160 345.19. Conclusion of “Property” and “Life” insurance policies is needed. APR excludes expenses for insurance.
Further information about UBB loan offers is available here.