UWin Bonuses now in e-banking

31 August 2016
The bonuses, accumulated under Uwin - UBB’s Loyalty Programme – can now be checked also via the Bank’s e-banking.
This new service marks the dynamic evolution of the Bank’s electronic channels.
The report provides recent info about the accumulated and unutilized bonuses by clients under the Uwin programme.
Uwin was launched in 2013 and ever since credit card, as well as MasterCard World Debit® holders accumulate and utilize bonuses in the network of the Bank’s merchant-partners.
In 2015 the Bank upgraded its system, supporting the Uwin loyalty programme and from that moment onwards bonus accrual is client-based and can be utilized with any card, included in the programme. You can find the Uwin Bonuses report in Cards menu and see the total bonus amount, accumulated on all cards of a particular client, involved in the programme.
Current Uwin offers:
• The partnership programme with various merchants, upon which every transaction, made at a UBB terminal will accumulate a bonus. Further information about the programme is available here
• Birthday campaign – since the beginning of March 2016 - a 10% bonus out of all purchases, made on the birthday and the day after, to clients, holding credit and debit cards of the MasterCard World Debit brand. Following the transactions’ accounting treatment there is automatic accrual of bonuses and those can be utilized at POS terminals of merchants, partners to the loyalty programme. Further information about the campaign is available here
The scope of the UWin initiatives will continue to expand. Details about all current offers and novelties are available in the dedicated website www.uwin.bg