Amendment to the Fees and Commissions Tariff for Individuals and Business clients from 25.09.2017

Dear Customers,
We would like to inform you that effective from 25.09.2017 the following changes are being made in Section III: Fund Transfers, UPAY Gateway Payments section in the Fees and Commissions’ Tariff for Individuals and the Fees and Commissions’ Tariff for Business Clients:
- Payment of utility bills with cards, issued by UBB and CIBANK - No fee;
- Payment of utility bills with cards of issuers, other than UBB and CIBANK - BGN 0.30 (per paid bill).
Note: Upon payment of utility bills through UPAY Payment Gateway a random number of bills to different companies can be paid with one card transaction, as the applicable fee is per paid bill.
Example: Upon payment of bills for electricity, water supply and telephone with a single card transaction the client will pay BGN 0.90 (3 fees of BGN 0.30).
UBB Team