Upcoming changes in the Tariff of UBB AD for fees and commissions for Individuals

Dear Customers,
We would like to inform you about upcoming changes in the Tariff of UBB AD for fees and commissions for Individuals. The changes will come into force as of 01.10.2024, updating the section "Fund transfers" with the following note:
Upon execution of an outgoing instant BLINK payment with funds received on the sender's payment account on a non-business day or on a Saturday, the payment shall be processed with a value date of the calendar date on which it was accepted, and the Bank shall be entitled to charge a fee for the period between the value date of execution of the instant BLINK payment and the value date of crediting the funds to the payment account of the sender, in cases where the incoming payment order is received on a non-business day or on a Saturday.
Sincerely yours,
United Bulgarian Bank AD