Temporary suspension of subscriptions to KBC Investment Management’s funds

20 Decempber 2022
Management Board of KBC Investment management EAD (previously known as Raiffeisen Asset Management Bulgaria EAD) has decided that, starting from 01.01.2023, the issuance (subscription) of units in the following funds managed by the Company will be temporary suspended:
- Conservative Fund Bulgaria, ISIN BG9000007062
- Mutual Fund Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Active protection in Euro, ISIN BG9000013094
- Mutual Fund Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Active protection in BGN, ISIN BG9000003178
- Mutual Fund Raiffeisen (Bulgariq) Global Mix, ISIN BG9000002154
- Mutual Fund Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Global Balanced, ISIN BG9000005173
- Mutual Fund Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Global Growth, ISIN BG9000001131
As a next step after the acquisition of 100% of the capital of KBC Investment Management EAD by KBC Asset Management NV, Belgium on 29.11.2022 and as part of the integration between the two companies, there will be a comprehensive review and evaluation of the product portfolio and its compliance with KBC Group's strategy, the expectations and goals of our customers.
The temporary suspension of the issuence of units means that clients will temporarily not be able to make new investments (subscriptions) in the funds mentioned above. Also, periodic subscriptions to individual investment plans will be temporarily suspended.
The temporary suspension of issuance will not affect in any way the opportunity of redemption in the mentioned funds - it remains as before, and customers can submit their orders online or in all offices of KBC Bank Bulgaria EAD, every working day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We will keep you informed about the integration process of KBC Investment Management EAD and KBC Asset Management NV, Belgium!