Stilian Vatev has been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of UBB AD and Dimitrios Anagnostopoulos has been elected as new CEO
23 May 2012
Today, 23.05.2012 at the regular session of the Board of Directors of United Bulgarian Bank AD, Mr. Stilian Vatev has been elected new Chairman of the Board.
At the same session, Mr. Dimitrios Anagnostopoulos has been elected Chief Executive Officer of UBB. Mr. Anagnostopoulos has a long banking experience, last being Finansbank Group Chief Risk Officer and BoD member, as well as NBG’s Regional Credit Officer for Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
Therefore, UBB is going to be represented by Mr. D. Anagnostopoulos, Mrs. R. Toncheva and Mr. S. Vatev from now on.
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