A special video shows the convenience of bill payment via UPAY gateway

16 October 2015
A new video shows the ease and quickness of utility bills’ payment via UPAY (www.ubbpay.bg), thus presenting the gateway’s capabilities.
Designed in a user-friendly and convenient format the video, which can be seen here, recaps the gateway’s functionalities and illustrates the ease with which every cardholder can effect payments to providers of utility services as either a registered, or a non-registered user.
All who have opted to facilitate their daily routine with the help of UPAY can choose between over 200 providers of utility services for telephone, electricity, central heating, water supply, internet, gas, security and even condominium management services and effect payments anytime, anywhere.
Within a minute those, eager to learn about UPAY capabilities, can do so by watching the video here. And those, willing to instantly utilize the payment gateway’s functionalities, can visit www.ubbpay.bg.