Change in the manner of notifying about card transactions

18 Decempber 2024
Dear customers,
This is to inform you that as of the beginning of March 2025 UBB discontinues sending of SMS notifications about card transactions to customers of the ex-KBC Bank Bulgaria.
As an alternative, customers of the ex-KBC Bank Bulgaria can receive free-of-charge PUSH notifications through UBB Mobile about their card transactions, if they use the UBB AD mobile banking app, or pre-paid SMS/Viber notifications, which can be activated through UBB Online, the Client Contact Centre (for individual clients) or at a branch of the Bank.
As of November 2024 UBB activates free-of-charge PUSH notifications about card transactions for all its cardholders. Activate UBB Mobile, if you still do not use the app, in order to be always up-to-date about transactions, disposable balance and to enhance the security upon payments with your cards, or should you prefer, choose and activate pre-paid SMS/Viber notifications about card transactions.
The UBB Team