Changes in the State Budget payment forms

29 September 2023
Dear clients,
We would like to inform you that as per instruction of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) and the Ministry of Finance (MF) effective from 1st of October 2023 there will be changes in the forms for ordering payments to the State Budget.
For you as clients this means simplified filling out of payment orders to the State Budget. You can inform yourself in detail about those changes after 02.10.2023, when the new payment form templates will be already available and usable.
Meanwhile we kindly ask you to note that given the preparation for this change, on 29.09.2023 the processing of fund transfers to the State Budget will be possible, as follows:
- In UBB Online and UBB Mobile by 03:00 PM
- At branches, marked as UBB*, by 11:00 AM
- At branches, marked only as UBB, by 03:00 PM
The use of KBC Online Bulgaria and KBC Mobile Bulgaria for State Budget payment purposes remains unchanged.
Please, be also informed that effective from 1 October, given the same instruction of the BNB and MF, the accounts of the National Revenue Agency are being changed with such at the BNB. For further details, please follow the official website of the National Revenue Agency or click here.
The UBB Team