Fraud attempts through phishing emails
19 August 2020
UBB hereby informs its clients of frequenting fraud attempts through phishing emails. It has been found that phishing attacks target clients, having email addresses with both Bulgarian, as well as international email service providers. There are fake email messages, distributed in the Internet, which resemble the message below:
We once again draw our clients’ attention to the fact that UBB will never require from them personal data, user names, login passwords, verification codes, credit/debit card details or other sensitive info via email.
You should not click on any buttons or links, nor provide your authentication codes and passwords to anybody. For security reasons we ask you to urgently change your email password.
In case you have been misled and you have provided personal data of yours, you should immediately change the user identifiers (your user name and password) in the online banking functionality UBB Online via another computer, as well as reach UBB’s Contact Centre at the following telephone numbers: 0700 117 17 or *7171.