UBB presented the AGORA award for solidarity and humanity to the initiative “Children help the child for a home without violence” of Koprivshtitsa Community Centre "Hadji Nencho D.Palaveev - 1869"

16 March 2012
United Bulgarian Bank awarded the Koprivshtitsa Community Centre (chitalishte) "Hadji Nencho D.Palaveev - 1869" in the category "Solidarity and Humanity" at the official ceremony finalising the third edition of the AGORA contest. The prize was given for their charity campaign "Children help the child for a home without violence", aimed against domestic violence.
Nominees for the “Community Centres’ Oscars” became centres with initiatives, related to new culture environments, song, dance, food and crafts festivals; social and information services. They were chosen by a jury of professionals in the field of civic society, media and culture.
The AGORA 2011 winner was determined by the audience’s vote during the ceremony, where each contestant presented their initiatives.
“Svetlina – Tzarevetz 1927” Community Centre was the definitive winner in the contest with the local initiative, uniting people, local authorities and the business for the restoration of an abandoned open air cinema and stage, as well as for the creation of an ethnographic collection. A national festival “Folk Source 2011” was organized in honour of the official opening and more than 3000 people attended. The community centre was awarded with the special prize of the Ministry of Culture, given out for the first time for contribution in the Bulgarian chitalishtas development.
Two more special prizes were awarded along with the one for “Solidarity and humanity“, awarded by UBB:
- "Most productive partnership" - "Multifunctional Chamber hall, "NC" Vasil Levski-1861 ", Karlovo“
- "Arts and Culture Development" - North Festival of Community Centres’ Amateur Theatres "Stardust" in 2011, NC “Borba”- 1896" Knezha