UBB extends the promotional terms on mortgage loans by the year-end

07 October 2011
The interest rate for the purchase of "first home" in EUR is now 6.70%. This is a promotional offer and is valid until 31.12.2011, upon payroll or regular proceeds to "Comfort" account with the bank.
UBB also extends the promotional interest rates of 6.50% fixed interest rate in EUR for the first year and 7.90% over the remaining loan period for customers, willing to buy residential property with a mortgage loan.
No application fees shall be charged by the Bank on mortgage loans regardless of type until 31.12.2011, and all mortgage loan applicants during the promotion period will benefit from 0% fee for prepayment with own funds after the third year of the loan period.
UBB offers mortgage loans for residential estate purchase up to BGN 500 000 or EUR 250,000 and a repayment period up to 35 years. The main advantage for clients is the possibility to obtain preliminary approval for the loan even before chosing the property they want to buy.
Further information on the new terms and conditions for mortgage loans is available at 0700 117 17 and in the bank’s branch network.