UBB begins a loyalty program for the bank's credit card holders

06 Decempber 2012
Now UBB AD credit cards have another advantage – you earn bonuses while shopping with them!
As a holder of a UBB AD credit card - VisaClassic, VisaElectron, MasterCardStandard, UBB Globul MasterCard, VisaGold, MasterCardGold, you participate in the program.
Pay regularly with your credit card in the merchants, bearing the program logo! Thus you accumulate a bonus, which provides a discount on the cost of the subsequent purchases in the merchants, involved in the program.
You win when shopping with UBB AD credit cards in the partner network of merchants. Full list of the partners is available here.
When shopping at merchants, involved in the program, you can check the currently accumulated bonus points on your card at a POS terminal, marked with a sticker. It’s up to you to either utilize the bonus then or during subsequent purchases.
Thorough information on the program is available in the Terms and Conditions of UBB Loyalty Program for Credit Card Holders.