Certificate of Appreciation to UBB AD for its support under the Photography for the Little Ones Initiative

25 June 2013
United Bulgarian Bank received a Certificate of Appreciation for supporting the realization of the Photography for the Little Ones project at a special event, marking the beginning of the summer vacation.
The ceremony took place on Saturday at the Sofia Art Gallery and announced the institutions that together with UBB AD had supported the initiative – America for Bulgaria Foundation, EasyArt Foundation, Proto Studio and Graphya company.
The initiative provided kids and parents with the opportunity to get acquainted with the subtleties of photography free of charge in a series of courses held each weekend at Proto Studio and at the Sofia Art Gallery.
“Photography for the Little Ones is a unique project. It allows kids and adults to experience art together in each shot and to share the moment”, Mr.Alberto Staykov, the photographer who guided the classes of the school and who promised the school to welcome new enthusiasts as early as the end of August, said.
“The formation of a sense of aesthetics for the surrounding world is essential for developing love for the Arts from an early age. We, at UBB AD, believe that supporting projects such as Photography for the Little Ones not only adds to the experience of our children, but it also opens new horizons before them for realizing their creative potential”, Ms. Anka Kostova, Head of PR and Sponsorship Unit at UBB AD, said.
During the event, UBB AD and the other partners of Photography for the Little Ones presented certificates of photographic mastery to 20 children aged between 3 and 18 years, who had attended the school. Some of the little photographers presented their works, created during the project.