UBB raises awareness due to frequenting alerts about dissemination of malicious online messages

23 August 2022
Dear clients,
We would like to inform you about frequenting alerts for dissemination of malicious online messages (SMS or emails), inciting recipients to confirm their personal data via an attached link.
We once again remind you that UBB AD does not require confirmation of sensitive information from its clients via email or SMS (for example a user name or a login password for online banking, details of credit/debit cards: names on the plastic, number, validity date and a CVC code).
Upon receiving a message with such content, beware and check carefully the website address in the attached link. Even though it might contain familiar abbreviations, associated with an official website of a public institution, any discrepancy or addition to the address, differing from that of the bank, is a strong indication of a fraudulent message.
We do assure you that to date the process of integration between UBB and KBC Bank Bulgaria does not presuppose any changes in the digital banking of the two banks’ clients, nor does it require initiation of additional actions on their part.
Please, do not click on buttons or links attached to suspicious messages and do not provide sensitive information online. If you have been misled and have provided your personal data, you should immediately reach the Contact Centre of UBB at the following telephone number: 0700 117 17 or *7171.
Should you wish to be more confident in the digital world, you can visit CyberStudy – UBB’s online security awareness platform.
The UBB Team