New accounts for State Budget payments to the NRA

30 September 2023
Dear clients,
You have already been informed that as per instruction of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) and the Ministry of Finance (MF) effective from 1 October 2023 changes are being introduced in the form for ordering payments to the State Budget.
For you as clients this means simplified filling out of payment orders to the State Budget. You can inform yourself in details about those changes after 02.10.2023, when the new payment form templates will be already available and usable.
As a result of the said change the National Revenue Agency has announced its new accounts, namely:
- Account 7301 with account type identifier being 80:
BG88 BNBG 9661 8000 1950 01 – Proceeds from taxes and other public receivables of the Central Government Budget, administered by the NRA;
BG61 BNBG 9661 8000 1950 02 – Proceeds of the Central Government Budget from dividends for the State and deductions from rental income, paid by state enterprises;
BG34 BNBG 9661 8000 1950 03 – Proceeds from enforcement of public and private receivables, assigned for collection to the NRA;
- Account 7315 with account type identifier being 80
BG97 BNBG 9661 8000 1120 01 – Proceeds from social security contributions for the State Social Security System;
- Account 7316 with account type identifier being 80
BG16 BNBG 9661 8000 1121 01 – Proceeds from health insurance contributions;
- Account 7318 with account type identifier being 80
BNBG 9661 8000 1118 01 – For the additional mandatory pension insurance contributions, administered by the NRA
The Bank Identification Code /BIC/ of the BNB is BNBGBGSD.
The above information is also available on the official NRA website.
The UBB Team