The WORLD REFRAMED IN A FLAG photo contest closed

03 September 2013
The jury members:
Mr. Krasimir Drumev, Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Bulgaria;
Ms. Tatyana Grigorova, Deputy Editor -in-Chief of National Geographic Bulgaria and Editor-in-Chief of NG Kids Bulgaria;
Mr.Ivo Danchev, Art Director of National Geographic Bulgaria;
Ms. Rayna Doncheva, Designer of National Geographic Bulgaria;
Mr.Bozhidar Hadzhov, in charge of the prepress of National Geographic Bulgaria;
Ms. Zlatilina Valkova, Brand Manager of National Geographic Bulgaria;
Ms.Iva Doncheva, Brand Manager of NG Kids Bulgaria;
Ms. Anka Kostova, Public Relations and Sponsorship Managerat UBB;
Mr. Krasimir Nikolov, Managing Director of Fox International Channels Bulgaria;
Mr. Nikolay Karadzhov, DirectorMagazinesat Sanoma Bliasak Bulgaria and Chairman of the Jury
Nominated Mr. Galin Borisov, author of the Mountain Views flag, winner of the WORLD REFRAMED IN A FLAG photo contest.
Top-5 flags as ranked by the jury:
1st place: Flag 308 Mountain Views , Author: Galin Borisov
2nd place: Flag 1499 Man and Earth , Author: Svilen Panayotov
3rd place: Flag 1122 The world through my eyes, Author: David Manolov
4th place: Flag 1114 „***”, Author: Eleonora Gavrilova
5th place: Flag 1331 Colorful world , Author: Krassimir Matarov
Winner of the public’s online votes is Flag 1010: Hanging in between Sky and Earth by Dimitar Todorov.
Congratulations to Mr. Galin Borisov, winner of the contest, who is awarded with a trip to Washingtonand a visit at the headquarters of the National Geographic Society!
The winner of the online votes wins a cash prize of USD 125.
Thank you all for your participation!